Developers and data
TEST Traffic and road condition information captured in the QLDTraffic system is available for use by external developers via GeoJSON feeds.
These feeds cover Hazards, Crashes, Congestion, Flooding, Roadworks, Special Events and Web Camera details.
The information provided in these feeds is on an 'as is' basis. Additional details about the available information on the QLDTraffic site can be viewed on our disclaimer page.
Third party applications can also interface with QLDTraffic system to provide traffic and road condition information to appear on the QLDTraffic website. The import specification and interface process can be found in the TMR QLDTraffic Event Import Specification (PDF, 192kB). Please note that authority for provided data to be displayed will be on a case by case basis, with Transport and Main Roads (TMR) being the final arbitrator.
TMR is constantly striving to ensure that they provide accurate and timely traffic and travel information. Given this, the previously available API has undergone changes in August 2016 with the creation of the QLDTraffic public website.
Information about accessing QLDTraffic traffic and travel information via GeoJSON can be found in the QLDTraffic website application programming interface (API) specification (PDF, 634 kB).
This API has been developed to allow improved integration of QLDTraffic road and condition information with external systems.
Please be aware that this specification is subject to change. Please keep checking this site (in addition to for updates.